Defying the compulsory helmet law throughout the nineteen seventies and eighties, Fred Hill RIP died in prison on 10.2.1984 and nowhere in the world has anyone made such exceptional sacrifices in the name of biker’s freedoms.
‘What is a man deprived of his name, his freedom of movement taken away, his every privacy invaded, every move spied upon, locked away in a filthy cell for 23 hours out of the 24 hours- and half of these miserable hours spent in darkness.’
Motorcycling is about freedom. Fred understood that. We must never forget Fred’s example lest we forget why we ride motorcycles.
Founded 52 years ago in 1973 to make sure motorcyclist interests are heard and protected, the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is a volunteer led riders’ rights organisation that champions and promotes motorcycling with UK politicians and policy makers.
Check out this acclaimed short film from 2009 that outlines MAG’s successes and historical development as the leading organisation dedicated to protecting motorcyclists from political interference in the UK. The film shows how MAG works to promote motorcycling and how MAGs voice in government is working for you, the rider, regardless of the type of bike you choose to ride.
Fight for your rights, visit the MAG Stand at MCN London Excel Bike Show, and see links: